Michelle Sugar Art

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How to create 3D hologram cake using iPad

Michelle created 3D hologram cake using iPad and acrylic perspex sheet for 8 years old Aidan who is a trampoline champion. Check out the video below from Season 2 Episode 21 Extreme Cake Makers.

What you need:

  • Tablet such as an iPad.
  • Clear Acrylic Perspex Sheet / plexiglass (you can get this from DIY Stores or Home improvement stores)
  • Sponge Cakes
  • Cake board / base
  • Icing Sugar 
  • Fondant / sugar paste

Steps to take :

1. Plan your design, here is an example of simple design.

2. Build the base for the iPad and layered of sponge cake around it.

tips: you can use old iPad boxe to elevate platform for iPad

3. Layer the sponge cake around the base

4. Capture the video,

tips: you can capture video directly on iPad, or using camera then transfer it to iPad, just make sure use the black background.

5. Place the iPad

6. Install acrylic perspex sheet  glass in an angle as shown

tips: test your video at this stage.

7. Enjoy!