Prince William & Kate Middleton Royal Wedding Cake

I use this ideal home show cake competition as a great opportunitiy to do something different, other than the usual decorated round tiered cake people normally expect for a classic tiered wedding cake.

It was really a challenge for me to do this cake. It's a hard work, but I really enjoyed making it.
Prince William and Kate Middleton cake is made of traditional english fruit cake, carved into 3D busts with an armature inside, covered with apricot jam.

The icing was sculpted with details and then airbrushed with colours to make it look more realistic.
It took about 80 hours to make and I uses more than 10kgs marzipan and 10kg Icing sugar.

You can see this cake at the "Ideal Food-Ideal Cake Decorator" section at the Ideal Home Show March 11th -  27th   2011 Earls Court London. I hope I see you there!


I love Italia Cake


Sweet Art Exhibition Tokyo TV Coverage